Thanksgiving BlessingsH - Stands for these Hands that fold, when I begin to pray. A - Means all the Awesome powers our Lord has from above. N - Stands for His Never ending patience and His Love. K - Is for the Kindness and forgiveness He has shown. S - Stands for the Sweetest gift of love we've ever known. G - Means the Amazing Grace that God bestowed on me. I - Says I can't imagine, without His love, just where I'd be. V - Is for (Victory in Jesus), just like that song of old. I - Means I'll do my best, to lead lost sheep into His fold. N - Is for the nails driven through our Savior's hands. G - Stands for God's Greatest Gift, His Son's life for mortal man. Many Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Thanksgiving Poem
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